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Monday, November 28, 2011

Thanksgiving, Christmas, and Cat's

Happy Thanksgiving!
happy thanksgiving pictures

Happy late Thanksgiving everyone!
How was your holiday? Mine wasn't good, it was *Tony the Tiger voice* grrrrrreat! We had some super yummy food!

We had turkey, mashed potatoes, green beans, crescent rolls, corn, cheesecake, gingerbread men, and pumpkin pie:D Here's how the day went:
First me and Marelle woke up and went downstairs to watch the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade, as always. I love that parade:)

Then we ate our Thanksgiving dinner (well technically lunch, but who can wait that long?)

Then we went outside and played some yard games

And then we played "The Christmas Game" which is a Christmas trivia game

Then we watched "A Charlie Brown Thanksgiving"

And then...........

While we were watching Charlie Brown we saw a commercial that said Walmart was going to open their Black Friday sale at ten o'clock pm. Me and Marelle had never been Black Friday shopping before and we kind of wanted to check it out so when 10:00 rolled around Me, Marelle, My Dad, My Mom, and our friends Jason and Tami went up there to check it out. WOW! It was busy! Let's just say I won't be dong that again! Have you ever been?

So now let's move on to the day AFTER Thanksgiving:

It's a tradition in our family to go cut down and put up our Christmas tree on the day after Thanksgiving. So.... we did! there's a U-Cut Christmas tree place just a little while from our house so we always go there to get our tree. We got a really nice one this year, and we went home and decorated it right away, along with the rest of the house. It looks so pretty:) We always have the lights on and the Christmas music playing!

After we were finished decorating we went to Epcot(Disney World) because all the Christmas stuff had just started, we watched a Christmas show and saw this GIANT gingerbread house! I love Christmas at Disney!

Ready for the most exciting thing of all?
Me and Marelle's Christmas present from Jason and Tami is.....
Their cat had three adorable kittens and me and Marelle each took one! Mine is named LoverBoy(because he has a heart on his back)
And Marelles' is name Sugar!

Here is a picture of Loverboy playing with a cord:)

and another:

I promise to put up more(and better!) pictures!

How have you been? Did you decorate for Christmas? How was your Thanksgiving?
Please let me know! Comments mean soooo much to me!



Marelle said...
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Nicki said...

ahhhhhhh that food loooks gooooooooooooood. and aawwwwwwwwww kittens<3 so cute! hahha