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Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Authentic People Blog Party!

I love this idea:) I can't wait to get started so here we go:

Hi! I'm Mina Cole, I am 13 years old and loving it! I could go into intriguing details of my looks and such, or I could just show you a picture, I mean it's worth a thousand words right?

Yeah that's me, strange, weird, crazy:)

I am obsessed with animals, all kinds, dogs, cats, deer whatever!
I love to get my picture taken, and my mom complains that she can never get a "normal" picture of me:D

I love bloggger
I looove youtube! Comedy is just something that I LOVE to do and I love to make videos with my sister and post them on youtube so everyone can enjoy them(hopefully:D)
I am a SUPER smiley person:D
So I guess I will answer the questions now:)
1} What's the nerdiest/geekiest/weirdest thing about you?
Um, did you not see the picture above? :D

2} If you could live in a fictional universe from any book, movie, or television show, what would it be?
Definitely Mayberry! I mean who wouldn't want to live there? (In case you don't know it's the town from the "Andy Griffith Show")

3} Little or big, practical or frivolous, what is one of your favorite items in your house?
My couch! The whole stinkin thing reclines! It's amazingly comfortable!

4} Do you like animated movies? If so, what is your favorite?
Duh! Animated movies rock! I love all Disney cartoons, and of course the SPONGEBOB MOVIE! Spongebob is the bestest, cutest little dude ever!!

5} What is your favorite household chore?
Can "none" be an answer? ;) I guess not huh? Well then...... I guess vaccuming

6} What's your favorite thing to get at Starbucks (or your favorite coffee shop)?
I loooove Starbucks mint mocha's! They roooooocccckkkk!

7} What is your favorite pizza topping?
Steak, chicken, pineapple, ham:) Yum! And if you add Alfredo sauce instead of red sauce, it's like heaven:D

8} Waffles or pancakes?
Waffles:D I don't like pancakes:P

9} Do you like to play games? If so, what is your favorite?

I LOOOVE games! I like all games; Monopoly, Wii games, Word games, computer games!

10} Have you ever let anyone win a game?
Only if they're really little:D

11} Have you ever dyed your hair?
Yes I died it purple:) It didn't last for very long. And I've had Blue same story though.

12} Do you make your bed every morning?
No way! Only if I am ordered to

13} Picasso or Norman Rockwell?
I have no idea

14} Do you like carpet, tile, or hardwood floors?
Hardwood for sure, carpet drives me nuts, especially when you have pet's!

15} If you could put one thing in a safe under your bed, what would it be?

16} What's your favorite condiment?
Ketchup! No way I'm eating fries or chicken without it! ;D

17} Have you ever thrown up on someone (excluding when you were a child)?
Well one time my cousin was in the bathroom when I started to throw up so my mom put her hands under my mouth:P

18} What was the last thing that made you laugh?
Talking about a joke I just played on my Grandpa:)

19} Think fast...what's the first song that pops into your head?
"No Idea" by Big Time Rush it's been stuck in my head all night!

All done now! Thanks to Abby!


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