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Sunday, January 22, 2012

Abby Tagged Me!!

Thanks So much Abby! I just LOOOVE Tags!
So here we go!
I've been tagged by Abby! Thanks Abby! Weeeeee :)

Here are the rules:

1) post these rules
2) you must post 11 random things about yourslef
3) answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post
4) create 11 new questions for the people you tag to answer
5) go to their blog and tell them they've been tagged

Here's my 11 Random Things:D

1. I'm very random:P
2. If I get tired before 3:00am I get disappointed in my self:)
3. Sometimes I sneak and text while I'm doing school, shhh!
4. Time to sound like a freak: Sometimes, in my head, I think about myself from third-party view: "She closed the door behind her and walked up the stairs" Yes I know it's weird:P
5. In case you haven't noticed by now I LOVE to type smiley faces and stuff( :D, :P)
6. I practice my faces and voices for my comedy videos around the house, which drives my family nuts:)
7. I don't write in a diary, I see absolutely no point in it!
8. Spell check is my best "freind"
9. I can cry on command
10. My favorite soda EVER is red cream soda, it's truly amazing
11. It is possible, in my bedroom to lay on my bed and look at the clouds, try and guess how...

Well that's 11! The list could really go on, but that's for another time, in another post, because now it's time to answer Abby's questions!

Now for my questions from Abby, the tagger:

1. Are you scared of flying in airplanes? Yes, I most certainly am! I have only been twice and I got sick:(
2. Do you know anyone that doesn't like chocolate? Yeah, my cousin Luke doesn't like it, how is he related to me??!!
3. Do you have a favorite style of hat? Yes I do...
4. If so, what is it? I like the animal hats, like my skunk hat in my profile photo, which is sadly missing:(
5. Red hair or brown? I don't know, they are both nice:)
6. Owls or bats? Owls! I have just recently developed a obsession with them They are so pretty! While bat's are so... scary! Also I love to draw owls:D
7. Purple or green? Purple, it's my second favorite color!
8. Would you like to be taller than you are now? Yeah! I'm tired of being a shorty:P
9. Whats your least favorite color? Probably gray, it's so drab
10. Would you like a pet elephant? Totally:D
11.Is a cat relative equals to a orange guinea pig? Ha, ha maybe if I was smart I would know what that means;)

So now it's time for my questions!

  1. What scent of shampoo do you use?(random!)
  2. Do you carry a purse?
  3. Have you ever been in a haunted house?
  4. What's the last book you read?
  5. If someone dared you to, would you eat chocolate dipped in mustard?(I have!)
  6. If someone dared you to, would you eat dog food?(I have too, *shivers*)
  7. If you had to change the name of your blog, what would you change it to?
  8. What's your favorite reality show, if you have one?
  9. If you had to pursue a career in either singing or dancing, which would you choose?
  10. What was the best day of your life?
  11. Do you like emailing?

Okey Dokey, I tag:
Kelsey @A Ray Of Sunshine
Olivia @Amusing Me For Eternity
Sonya @Bella's Life

Have A Great Time Girls!



Abby said...

Thanks for doing it! Great answers!

Marelle said...

Yeah, there's nothing more fun than staying up 'til 3:00am watching Full House :P