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Sunday, October 2, 2011

Crazee Make-up:) and more exciting stuff:P

Heyo! So yeah,I'm pretty behind on my posts ever since the photo challenge I had a few weeks ago. So we took these pictures quite awhile ago, when we were in NC and I wanted to post them now:)

Me and Marelle were bored at night so we decided to do some crazy "Lady Gaga and Ke$ha Makeup" So here's how mine turned out:

Here's my Lady Gaga make-up:) ^^^^^^^

And here's my Ke$ha make-up:) ^^^ Haha I love the blue lipstick! I actually wore it out the day after:P

So which one do you like better? I like the Ke$ha one. (for the record I most certainly do not like Lady Gaga,or Ke$ha but it's fun to try their crazy stuff:D)

And in other news,Me,Marelle Linkand Sonya are in this months issue of M Magazine !!!!! It's so cool!It's only a small article,but still:D Go check it out dude! It's on page 64. Here's the picture that's in it:

and here's what it says:
" 'My favorite time I had with my best friend Sonya was when we went to a Allstar Weekend concert with my sis Mina!' says M reader Marelle 'I had heard there was going to be a free one about an hour away,so my parents drove us there and we had the time of our lives! We made t-shirts and a sign,and we danced and sang all night long!'"

Have you ever been in a magazine or newspaper?

Thanks for reading y'all!

-Mina ;)

1 comment:

Abby said...

That make-up sure is interesting! I like the blue lipstick too. :) Cool! I have never been in a magazine or anything before.