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Saturday, October 8, 2011

My Pets:D

I have two incredible dogs and one awesome cat,and I thought it was about time that I made a post dedicated to them. So here's some picture's and info about my three babies:)

Bing Buddy Cole: Bing is a Catahoula mix and an absolute sweet-heart! He is three years old and all he wants is to please you, snuggle with you, and possibly eat some people food:) Here's some more pics:


Belle Sharky Cole: Belle's mother was a full blooded miniature dachshund and her dad was some kind of street terrier:) She is so wild and fun! She loves to play and ride in kayaks, three wheeled bicycles, and cars! She is two years old. Here's some more pic's:


Spice Cole: Spice belonged to one of our neighbors,and when she passed away Spice came to live with us. She is such a great loyal cat,we went to North Carolina for 5 months and she was still there for us when we got home:) She is so sweet,and loving! We don't know what kind of cat she is or how old she is. Here's some more pic's:


So those are my sweet-hearts!

Do you have any pets?

What are they like?

Thanks for reading!



Joyful said...

Aw look at Bellzy as a puppy!
You should have put up a puppy pic of Bing too - he was adorable!
And oh my word, Spice looks so skinny in all those pictures. I also really like how she looks like she's talking in all of them, shows what a talkative kitty she is.

Abby said...

Awww... your pets are so cute! I don't think I've ever seen Spice before.

Nicki said...

ahhww so cute!